“Time Is What We Want Most, But Use Worst”

Last year, after a long illness, my beloved Brian died. I am now on my own and thinking hard about my future. After two years of being a full-time carer, my health isn’t too good and I’ll need to move out of this house and back to England to be near my family.

I’ll also need to go back to the design, layout and publishing work that I used to do with Brian. A single person’s pension doesn’t stretch far these days; besides, I’m bored crapless and need something to get me out of bed in the mornings. I’ve just landed some copyediting and layout work for an old client and it’s feeling very satisfying. I’ll be hunting around for more work, making a proper business of it.

So, if you’ve a book that needs publishing/editing, drop me a line….

The site is very much unfinished and I can’t get the contact page to work. So if you want to talk to me. DM me at @valdobson on Twitter, or leave a comment below.

The title quote is by William Penn, Quaker and founder of Pennsylvania.

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